Summer Polish course for kids 2023.


Summer Polish Course for kids.

This course is for kids from 6-18 y.o. who start to learn POLISH as a second language.

We offer:

  • small groups- max. of 6 students
  • program is 24 lessons per 8 weeks ( 48 hours)
  • lessons are in July and August
  • lessons 3 times a week per 120 minutes with recess
  • practical lessons of speaking, reading, writing
  • well -experienced teachers who are qualified to teach foreigners
  • during the course children would also learn about rules in polish schools; how does the studying proces look like; learn slang words, etc.
  • using interactive board
  • all learning materials provided by the school and included in the price
  • lessons are only in Polish
  • the price for the whole course of 8 weeks is 1360 PLN.



Start of the course  3.07.2023.

Lessons are in our school on Wapienna 15 street.